Salut! Had a long pause on my writing mood, ok truth is , I was kinda lazy but we all have that little fluffy , nice, annoying guy in us who says- "Ahh... not today , tomorrow is also a day " :D Yeah, he kinda got me too, but I don’t want to talk about that super cool and chilly guy- Laziness (that's the name I gave my little lazy monster).
Gotta say some things have popped up my mind recently, but I will just divide 'em into parts, Today gonna talk about... ta ta da rammm.... Good ! :) <------> Bad!:( logic ?- None !!!
You know why? Lets see-
We go to school, we learn, we find a job, we live , we die... simple right? uhmmm , nope, lets look at it..
School... Since we are small we learn. We go to Kindergarten to learn how to interact, we study others, learn simple things... we progress and start going to school(ohhh yeah some big boy/girl stuff gonna happen!!! --- well not really ) while we are in school, we still have to listen to what others believe are good, right, we learn how to think like others....??? how can we be unique but think like others.... honestly... who can that?
Well I remember. I was In Kindergarten and we had an assignment where we had do draw a boogie man - I did, I didn't allow anyone to snatch my idea or to push on theirs ... I drew mine- a little creepy ghost (I WAS ALWAYS AWARE THAT THINGS THAT SCARE OTHERS ARE CUTE TO ME, BUT WHAT SCARES ME ARE CUTE TO OTHERS..... damn A butterfly!!!!- ALMOST GOT A HEART ATTACK... DAMN THOSE BEASTS!(yup that is my fear :D )))
all the other did, that what the nanny did- an eye... man really an eye??? how can that be a boogie man ?? seriously an eye??? :D
Looks a bit like what I did :D |
well long story short.... It ended to that my mates started dissing me on how i did not do what the teacher said we should do....khem , then those duded from "monster ink."where also terrible at kindergarten :D
/but yeah... that is one part... the envy of others because you did different....painful!
hmm but about teachers?
Well I remember me and a close mate of mine, who I am still friends (she was my witness on my wedding day, and all-trough I don't have so much time to keep in touch I believe she will always have a special place in my heart, thanks Arta!!!) we were having those books where you learn how to write and so on.... we kinda finished it faster *(in fact she did it in a day, I-3!)....
-*Yup we do have supper brains * what I kinda didn't understand and let my self go.... but am back on track!! :)-
well remember, had to hear from our nanny that :"those too smarty pants are bored at class and make others feel less good about their skills"....
emm what? you have in your group of like 20 people of 4 year old little poopers,2 or 3 who have talants and you complain about it?.... seriously you ladies have some issues :D
That's one. I belive in school every one had this- when I grow up I will be... I will do this and this....
but when you have to do the steps, what happens? mostly You get scared,WHY? because it is different from what you are aware off in your community , environment, family... You step back, and keep your cherished dreams locked deep in your little blood pumping device what romantics seem to call- Heart...
hmm but to those who are not afraid of doing that what they love.... what happens?- they get hated, people tell 'em they will never succeed, they will never be abble to step out and make a living.... that is like-"You don't do like the mass-?--- Fuuuu, You bad! Foooh go shame on you!" some break at that point. Some get stronger but just some. Because to think differently is scary... and it is good!
You just have to prove, that not only white in a wedding is good, but also blue, red, pink, black, latex... (ok latex maybe behind closed doors! :D ) is also good then you are on the Right track!!! and Actually this good thinking-----bad thinking is the big problem for teenagers, yup it is, believe me, been trough it!But that are just school years.
Job. Hmm society says, get a job, a stable job. It is better, to have less but be sure, than try for the big one and maybe loose.... Yeah... there are those underpaid people who complain all the time. If You try something new, something fresh, funky... well, the feed back mostly will be- no, you risk, this wont sucseed, this wont work, You CRAZY???!!!.
And actually, that is depressing, because this mass sheep reaction is been followed by people from school times... But guess what ???
I risked, I changed me, I believed in my dreams, I did fall and hit my self real hard (felt like broke all my bones)... but you know what? now I am happy, I am successful, I do what I never imagined , because people around me said- it wont work, you wont earn enough... and I just wanted to prove- NO! I believe in it, so it will work!!
I have an extremely happy marriage, with the best man in the world, I did not listen to the arguments, he is African, he will treat you like a dog,,,, I even had this one: "he will sell you !!!" ... :D Yeah... thank God I am Aries, I don't give a S#*t what people think :D I do my own!
I got pregnant while in school and just in the beginning of my 20th... and now, look M.I.A Is the most adorable, smart, foxy, annoying, lovable lil dude you will ever imagine (Yeah that is so called mommy hipper love :D)
I made my dreams come true, because I risked to be labeled BAD, CRAZY, DIFFERENT !!!
Yess I am bragging about it, and damn I can do it!!!
About getting old... let me tell you my goals.... me and Charles will have become grey and bald, have a ton of grandchildren to whom we will secretly give candy and pepper :D we will have an airplane... people will know us, people will believe in them self because of us. Because we will never loose our dreams and hopes, we will never label something Bad! because somebody said it is bad, we will be ... we will be us... the ones who were different, who fought, who had good and bad times, we will be... the ones, our parents wished us to be... we will be GOAD *(yess it is my mix of Good and
Bad!:D )
So when You start thinkin- this dude is bad, what he thinks is bad, his idea is bad....
think about if that is what actually kept you from reaching your own goal and you did not reach it because somebody did the same to Can You conceive of being .... a Sheep?