Friday, 16 May 2014

The Mass Effect - Funny edition

Buonasera(Italian- good evening)
I love the mass effect!
It is amazing how Your brain will pick up something and categorise it in a special way only because others do so.
An example was here - why-news-will-post-bad-things 

and here good-bad 
And that goes for everything, even when we think we dont go with the mass, we still are, just a different one. And I loved the coment one of my Friends said {J.Ozols, mēs neesam personīgi pazīstami, bet tavs komentārs man tiešām tik ļoti patika, ka pat esu to izrakstījusi savā 'melnrakstu' kladē };
[Viena no cilvēka pamatvajadzībām ir būt daļai no kādas lielākas kopienas. Katrs "ES" vēlas būt kādā "MĒS".]...
[ one of the most basic human needs is to be part of a larger community. Each of the "I" wants to be in a "WE". ]
And he is right, we are programmed to do so, 
But this time I want to drag Your attention to the funny side of mass thinking/alike thinking .

You know how the listings in Google go right? the more Clicks, the more people like it and believe it as it is .

As I love to use .gif in my Blogs I use a lot of keywords and noticed one thing- about 70% of the .gif are not what it should be, but if they are listed as the first, that means there are people who do ''the mass thing'' (I should make a video dance/ song of this :D) 
So, Let me show You 10 amusing samples where Mass thinking saved a wrong and made it a right :

10. The most useful gif ever 

Sweet Irony


9.Cosmic Power


Yes, indeed, so much power...

8.Seductive look

the Power is Strong with this one (Now I have to sleep with lights on)

7.Bad Play 

Wrong in so many ways
6. Hard Rock Dude 
Actually love This one

5. Worlds Neatest gif

Who had the imagination to make this?

4.Water Terror 

the terror has its sound-Plump....





Yeah I understand  the person, but to categoraze it as destructive? I imagined more like, bombings, an old greasy man with a bass guitar-chain saw thing. not KPOP in Cooper


1.Life is Good

As much as I love Adventure Time , But to hold it under this??? Yes well, my future is in safe hands, so positive
and there is a lot more.Funny, but it kinda also describes kinda our society, If I would be a psychologist  I would probably write books about the hidden meanings of this. But. I Am actually too lazy and it is also a bit Funny, So thank You for looking at it and have  great time ....

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