Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Loving food like Diamonds and Rubbies?

Mirëdita! (Albanian Good day!) Been a while, but no worries, I did not loose my writing mood, was just busy with my Company . WORRRRKK!!!
But Yah I just witnessed something what just has to be sheared and given a thought.
Food! Yes oh, yes I say food!
Why so?
Hmm lets start , since the 90`s Girls are so into the skinny style! (Not all , some are just naturally thin. It is like we have a black hole or so, but the food magically vanishes, and no one knows where it stays ) BUT thanks to some healthy role models, a small change into the body standards has appeared . But still the skinny is sticking and follow like death. Unfortunaly the modern disease actually take lives, but away from sadness!
Considering extream cal. calculators aka diet people.
Some days ago saw a girl in the shopping mall, she picked small food packs and calculated how much calories she will consume and so. SO, what do I do? I stand right next to her, and put in my basket 3 peaces of bacon (the big fatty one), the Girls sees it - HER face expression full with disgust. But can I stand to that . No way - NOOO EFFIN WAY<WHAAY < DEY :D I had to pass her and say out loud _ I HOPE I WONT FINNISH IT IN ONE DAY !!!
Her face (No Lie---->
Ok , time pases and I forget my sweet meeting with her . TILL TODAY(BADUMMMM DU DUMM)
I have a meeting with my client, who happens to have a humore close to mine.
So we sit down and the same girl enters with a friend. 
The waitress comes up and asks: " What can I bring You?"
Girl: " hmm, the Green tea, how much calories, does it contain ?"
Waitress : I have no Idea.
Girl: How can You not know??
Waitress: I can Bring You the pack
Girl: Deamn You betta do
This was the waitresses face expression all the time :D

So what happens... My client sees my devilish face expression and I notice he develops the same so we agree to one thing CHEEEESE PLAAAATEE AND CHOCOLATE BEANS ,
Deamn In ya face :D Diet Gal!
But on top My client says
HmmYou have a good, clean skin, what is Your secret ?
Me: hmm wannna know? Really wanna know?
He: yeah 
Me: Eat every thing and make a topping of grilled cheese and mayonnaise !
Yup Both girls after what I said . Becouse They look like size 38 min, I am 32 or XS what means I am tiny :D

Needless to say, they left, the cafe burst-ed in laughter. AND I got FREE FOOD :D 
Sometimes You just have to love food more than Diamonds Like My Husband and Son. I think it is in the genetics or it's a sticky disease: ONCE YOU GO FOODIE,YOU NEVER GO BACK (hmm...FOO-OOOHD)
oh praise the yummies

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