Monday, 23 September 2013

Admission Abroad?

Labas Dienas!
So it has been a while since I posted something again...
As I said previously I am a small Part of a Company called- Admission Direct
And one of the Thing we do is ...........(drums for a good mood)- we help Foreign Students to get admissions into Foreign Universities.
No, I wont spam now or praise our work, This time I actually just want to write about the Experience of Students who took the big Fringing step and got out of their comfort zone and got them self into the big adventure of life.
the Good and the Bad, just the simple Truth!
So as actually 80 % of my Friends are foreigners who came to Study abroad I know the difficulties, the step stones, the under water stones, the Bold and the Ugly just every thing.
I believe the formal part is the most annoying, the more if You actually don't know how it works and you do it the first time,even worse is that, if you have to do it and You also don't have anybody who can help you with it. (well a small spam from our side, this IS what we help you to do and also Train You , because we know it, we know it all!!!)
There are some super un-understandable requests from Universities, difficult language, and so on, all that to Filter out the Good and Bad students. Because lets be real - there are some People who try this type of Admission only to get a visa to a certain place (not cool, not cool... a University is ment to help You brighten up your Future and give You some Experience what can \help You make Your Place a better Place for You and your family ). But Yeah, there are Organisations who can help You to save this super mega stressful job!
But about the Good. One of my Friends from Uzbekistan gave me a small in-look of his thoughts of it :
''We all want to have the best, most interesting education that is available. It's a need of the challenge to have something unique. If our senses never perceive anything new, we as people will never develop, but instead stagnate. The best way to avoid this stagnation is to change our environment through new culture and incredibly meaningful and diverse experience  I personally suggest studyding abroad as the best possible way for individual, professional and character growth.

As far as, there was chance for me to study abroad, I went for it. First, it was really hard to get accustomed for new culture but that was perfect opportunity of learning European countries' civilization. Being surrounded by native speakers affords you the chance to immerse yourself in the language, which can expedite your retention and fluency.

Studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back home. While on the one hand, being away from friends and family can seem daunting, it is also a chance for you to hone your own skills and gain some independence.
If you have never spent much time far from home, this could be a serious issue. You may find yourself yearning for the people you left back home, and the less outgoing you are, the more of a problem this can become.
In conclusion, It is highly advised to study abroad, indeed which prepares towards your bright future in terms of being independent, sociable, to be able to manage your finance. Overall, it has more advantageous rather than drawbacks."

And He is right, Education is not necessary to be just education, sometimes it actually educates You in something else- in life experience  I know that for at least 90% of Foreign Students Admission abroad is a big deal, and those who do this major step, become very talented  educated and interesting-successful people, because this made them step outside the box. Yeah every where will be the good and the bad, but the result will favor You if You allow it, if You allow yourself to develop.
Study abroad can give You so much, just take it :) 
and a tiny spam again- If this just made You interested, than feel free to look us ap at Study Abroad Consulting
I am Santa , and I will gladly assist You to make Your Future the Diamond which is still hidden in the Graphite . 
God I love what I do :))

Monday, 9 September 2013

Being a good sales man?

Kinda lately feel my self extremely inspired...and found out about my self.... that my new hobby is to-- sell.
I mean seriously sell, sell like every thing.
As some my know ,
I am also a part of a small company called Catek Capital (we outsource like every thing you imagine- have a company, an Idea but don't know how to bring it up?- well we make those dreams reality :))
but Yeah, one aspect is selling, so as I was teaching some of my girls about cold sales and so on, I understood one-
Yess that is true... those who know me, they know I kinda have an aura around me , well I created the aura for a long time. and it goes together with............ belief in me, myself, my job, passion, and some freaky things. to be honest I am very shy if I just have to meet somebody , but it is like a totally different thing, when I have to "get something"! It is like I change, my way, my talk, my voice, my smile, every thing and all because I gotta get something!
And I kinda realized, this is one of the small peaces of the success keys.....
So some small steps to sell is, to sell yourself, :
1) Have a nice appearance (no need to be a beauty queen, they just make people feel uncomfortable, am not lying, a simple normal human is the best for this job)
2) Be honest with a fox tail (if You know Poker, then Use the "Poker Face"+ Joker smile)
3) Find out all the Information You can about Your "opponent"(aha Internet is a good thing)
4) train Yourself to flirt(seriously flirt, and I am not talking the Johnny Bravo type- Hey baby, but real high class Barney Stinson Flirt)
5) Use all your natural talents(I am good at arguing and making people trust in me )
6) find out what is in Your opponents interest(oh, Mr.Cool, so You like Ferrari , then I believe You like some good vibes, You know what is extremely classy and appearing|?(if person is not wearing a wedding Ring)Ballet! and I kinda have a feeling You would like to know more Mr. Cool how Ballet can make You even more cool.....)
7) slowly move him with gentle arguments to your Product/ create a problem, to whom You got a solution
and Boooom, You made somebody interested.... and only now, you can start telling how awesome Your Product or service is.... (See Mr. Cool, Ballet is Classic, intelligent, so appealing to ladies, and right now we have a special offer for Ballet Shoes, No worries, You don't have to dance, just hang them in your house as a decor, buy extra a book about Russian Ballet and the Ladies will Just fly onto You, same as prospective business Partners, because Who can say no to a gentle man driving a Ferrari, being cultural and educated? Right Mr.Cool?! )
Train Yourself!
I believe that every one can sell something, just they don't know how....
i can conceive of selling "me" (nop not physically , that are some other Night Butterfly meant for ) to You, can You conceive of selling?
Santa Klasika
Santa Chioma Armah

Friday, 6 September 2013

Ezigbo efife!
Let me make you think of something new ... so let me ask You- Can You conceive of......(tensed drum sounds...) buying a House in Latvia?
A common Latvian Unicorn
 So let us start, but with what? ohhhh, gosh forgot.... so many people may not know what, who , where Latvia is? Is that an alien?!- an Animal?!!- a place? ....
Art by the amazing Friend of mine Cao Viet Nguyen
well at first, Latvia is a place where unicorns
live, people don't need money, and wizards fly around, people have great power (where the source of it is hidden in their ears)...yes it is a great place :D

ok, jokes by the side- unicorns don't live here, but we have a very wide ranged fauna. and flora... wizards... have never seen any,but could be true :D and to make you conceive of buying a house here  You need to know more then that...
1) if you are a person who needs visa to come to Europe, you can get a so called free pass for you and 5 of Your family members for 5 years, you can freely travel in the Schengen countries, your kids can get admitted to EU schools more easy and you can be sure that you can come visa free when ever you want.... all you have to do? purchase a house of flat or land of a total value of..... drumms!!!- 25k EUR!!! (this is what most agencies will also speculate with)
2nd reason, Latvija is a fast growing Business ''playground'' place... that means, you can easy make up your  company and make it grow!!!
3rd and 4th reasons what I as a native will give you is.....
Latvia , Latvija or LV how we call it is a blessed Country, we don't have catastrophes that could cause major damage to you or your property, we don't have dangerous animals,reptiles or bugs, we have a wonderful flora.... we have that what others don't show it....we have patience and tolerance...we have a colorful, blood filled, sad, enriching, interesting history, we have Heroes who have the Power of a Bear. Delicious meals.
Beautiful girls and guys! We like it simple and real, Latvia is a Place where You can learn life lessons. this place is wonderful for settling in your Old years .... Latvia, it is that small Jewel that is hidden...
Can you conceive of living in a Green Smaragd ?