Monday, 19 May 2014

Dark Legends (Android game review)

Another week, another review ,for Android games, is here
This time about my favourite game Genre - MMORPG
So, Again I will go trough the fallowing Criteria:  
  • The Graphics
  • Controls
  • Play
  • Free play Options
  • Plot/Story 
  • How fast You get Bored of it .

But First- The introduction

Dark Legends (Android)
Get it here  

Developed by SpaceTime Games
And same as Hungry Shark Evo, had it since there were just a couple k players
Details :
Size: 12M
  • Requires Android:2.2 and up 
  • Free features and game play
  • Has In-App Purchases  (Does not offer free earnings)
  • Detailed 3D Graphics
  • Touch controls, 
  • Ability to personalise Your character
  • Multiplayer & Solo – Play in Co-Op, PVP (BAD THING , Does not work for 95% of the Time), or Solo Mode.
  • Can Play Android or Desktop(What is a Big Plus)
Official web Page 

The Graphics

The graphics are having a nice detailed feature, but unfortunately, not so creative on the design of the missions. (Yeah there is the Mass media platform, like in every MMORPG and a Platform for the missions, where there is a lack of creativity. The fact that the "enemy is different in every district'' does not hide the fact that the rest stays the same.) . 
But You can manage the Camera options. 
If I would have to rate it in a scale of 10/10
I would give 7 for the details, 4 for the creativity
 This one has a nice realistic preview of the actual game


As the majority of Android RPGs the movement controller is on the left (But You can change the location).
And the Ability/special power deck is on the right,
 You can only have 4 special powers
Oh and see that Round thing in the Middle? that is Your life . Only good thing is if You kill enough monsters You can use the Thirst ability to boost up Your life or use Blood packs, what You can buy in the Vampire District


Same as controls also the Game play is just average,Yes in the Beginning it is interesting, but with time, because of the lack of change it becomes boring.
You have 2 platforms, where one is the Mission district 
Where You can earn EXP and Loots and Minions- those dudes on the right.
[ In the beginning I did not understood Why my Vampire had an energy bar and why there are minions, but then I got it!-
 By just doing the missions and clearing the city it takes a hell lot of time to level up, but with the help of minions You can do the trick faster .
 An the Players District, where You can meet other players
Trade, purchase Outfits (Not useful as they don't boost anything, but costs a lot of the coins), guilds and PVP (What don't work!!!and as I checked A lot of players are complaining about it.)

And Basically it becomes boring with time. So there are 2 options- Hack it or You uninstall it and install it back after some time(If You are Signed up, You will be saved in the server and be able to continue where You left )

Plot Story 

In the First Play moments You actually find the Plot interesting, It is a mix of like resident Evil, Hellsing(The manga)
You are a Vampire Who fights Bad and is looking for the "Father Figure" But the father it goes the more You understand that in  the Plot and game construction is no goals. Just a messy mash up.
I actually had the feeling the developers rushed the game release and have no plans of making  the game more up to its potentials,
What People Say
MsAleya88 March 31, 2014
Sts Lowering my star.. its become repetitive the more u play.. people spend money on this game not expext to play for a short run.. reach lvl 36 n getting tired for hunting vanity.. tons of money but only to be waste on appearance??honestly this game is a style show off.. good gameplay but super repetitive..i do love sts concept on the go play, but its getting repetive even in pvp, long run play caused boringg.. i really dont know what to do anymore in this game.. stop playing for 2 month.. it need huge update.
Gillian Moody avatar image
Gillian Moody September 2, 2013
Taking away another star Because I'm not being awarded my platnum anymore after downloading apps and I'm probably missing at least 80-100 this is bullshit
A Google User avatar image
A Google User February 8, 2014
Keeps disconnecting It won't download the update and just keeps saying"you have been disconnected from server" whats goin on? 

This is what an action RPG for mobile should feel like. Spacetime has done pretty much everything right with this and Pocket Legends. It's hard to find a good game for mobiles. Harder to find one that so openly drop-in multiplays. Spacetime has done that again, now. Sharp controls that are in all the right spots, good graphics, and engaging gameplay. What are we missing?
Jessica V avatar image
Jessica V May 3, 2014
Needs updates, but great game! I love this game I've been playing it for about 6 months now, and it's still one of my favorites. However, once you've completed the last level, that's it. You then just play them all over again, which I don't mind but, I would like to get new levels, challenges, graphic updates, and new powers. Other than that the game is great. 
I am not saying Dark Legends is Bad, but After playing Arcane Legends,I am disappointed. When I got it, it was still a fresh one so, It is understandable that there are problems and so, but the developers claim to have a lot of rewards, You would expect more.
Still have my hopes in it!
But for the try out, it is fun, for dark Gloomy nights. 


Saturday, 17 May 2014

Cleveland Ohio: My Magic Place

We all have special places that we'll always remember. They may seem bland or boring to someone else, but to you, they are places that are filled with nostalgia; they hold so many memories, and will forever be a part of your life. You visit them after a long while and are happy to be back; to see the familiar faces, shops, streets and everything else that makes that location what it is.

So where is my "magic place"? I'd have to say the ever-changing city of Cleveland, in Ohio, USA.

I've lived in Cleveland for many years now. It's an interesting mix of all sorts of things and people here, and recently they have been trying to renovate parts of the city and restore it to its former glory.

Panorama of Cleveland in 1912
Photo: Haines Photo Co.; September 19, 1912
A brief history: 
The early foundations of Cleveland began in 1796, and it became a major industrial city in the late 1800's due to being located near tons of coal and iron ore deposits, as well as transportation routes. Around the early 1900's or so, many new cultural things were created. These included Euclid Beach Park, the Art Museum, and the Cleveland Orchestra. The Park, unfortunately, isn't there anymore, but the other two still thrive. Cleveland also became a popular place for political events.

Cuyahoga River, near the more industrial parts of Cleveland
Photo by Avgadro94 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5
Around 1950, however, Cleveland started declining in population and the city wasn't being very well taken care of. This was evidenced by an event that made Cleveland a known name for an entirely different, and embarrassing, reason; in 1969, the river that runs through the city (the Cuyahoga River) caught on fire because of oil slicks and pollution. People realized they needed to take better care of the city after that, but it never quite returned to what it was.

In short, since the mid 1900's and until a couple of years ago, Cleveland was a shadow of the original. But today, the Cuyahoga River and other areas are maintained and kept clean, and the city has made great efforts in turning itself around and is once again a great place to be.
Now, let me show you why it's a great place...

First and foremost, one of Cleveland's most iconic landmarks and what lead to us being called "The Rock and Roll Capital of the World." The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or Rock Hall, was created in 1995 and serves as a museum for the history and people of Rock and Roll music. It has become a big part of the culture here! Not to mention the building looks really cool.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Photo: Derek Jenson
There are many museums here, especially in a part of the city called University Circle. There's the Natural History Museum, the Great Lakes Science Center, an Auto-Aviation and Space Museum, Botanical Gardens, multiple Art museums... You get the point. If you come here for those, you'll be entertained for awhile.

The Hungarian Garden
Photo by stu_spivack is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Similar to the museums, but much more unique, is something called the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. These small but beautiful plots of land are sold to people/organizations that want to create a little area that celebrates their country's culture. The gardens are placed on either side of a long, heavily-traveled road, under a gorgeous bridge, and lead into University Circle. There are dozens of gardens there currently, and more in the process of being designed and built. Each owner of a plot can hold events in their garden, and every so often they do.

Also, I must mention that we have a giant statue of a stamp in the middle of the city. It's red, says "Free," and lays on the grass. It was originally made for the Standard Oil company in 1985, but the building it was to be placed in front of changed companies, and the new company, BP, didn't want it in front of their building so they eventually donated it to the city. Just a week or two ago, we also got what is, apparently, the "world's largest outdoor chandelier," which was placed in Playhouse Square, where many of Cleveland's best live theaters are.

The "Free" stamp
Photo by Bryan Clark is licensed under CC BY NC-SA 2.0.
Newly the world's largest outdoor chandelier!
Photo by Erik Drost is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
But enough about sightseeing and touchable things-- What's the atmosphere like here? What makes it a unique place worth visiting?

Well, what makes Cleveland unique will be different for everyone. I can't precisely say what it is about this place, but I can say it is a great place to make memories. Stroll through the streets and you get an old historic feel about the area; even though it really isn't all that old, the architecture can make it feel like it is. There are statues and monuments around that tell the stories of certain people, and culture is becoming an increasingly celebrated thing with small festivals and events. The atmosphere is friendly--although it can seem a bit rushed on a normal, non-festive day. But that's pretty typical of cities. I've never felt threatened here, but unfortunately crimes do happen. As with anywhere, just stay aware of your surroundings.

Most of what I've mentioned is about Downtown Cleveland. Outside of the big city parts are many small neighborhoods. Mine, for example, isn't the most close-knit--everyone doesn't know everyone, neighbors often keep to themselves most of the time, ect. But 99% of them (you always have that one neighbor...) are quite friendly and willing to help out if asked.

But anyway, I don't want to keep on babbling. It does get old after awhile. So, to sum this all up: Cleveland is a wonderful place to be. It isn't the most sociable of cities, but get to know someone and you'll see how friendly they can be. Whether you're living here or just visiting, it can create memories that last a lifetime. Spend enough time here, make enough memories, and you'll keep coming back.

Come and visit us sometime! Me and my fellow Clevelanders welcome you. :)

Photo by Chris Capell is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Fun fact: Cleveland was originally supposed to be spelled Cleaveland, after Moses Cleaveland. However, the Cleveland Advertiser, a newspaper, left out the "a" so that they could fit the whole thing into the headline. The spelling of "Cleveland" was then adopted.

My thanks to Santa Armah for allowing me to write this guest post!

Friday, 16 May 2014

The Mass Effect - Funny edition

Buonasera(Italian- good evening)
I love the mass effect!
It is amazing how Your brain will pick up something and categorise it in a special way only because others do so.
An example was here - why-news-will-post-bad-things 

and here good-bad 
And that goes for everything, even when we think we dont go with the mass, we still are, just a different one. And I loved the coment one of my Friends said {J.Ozols, mēs neesam personīgi pazīstami, bet tavs komentārs man tiešām tik ļoti patika, ka pat esu to izrakstījusi savā 'melnrakstu' kladē };
[Viena no cilvēka pamatvajadzībām ir būt daļai no kādas lielākas kopienas. Katrs "ES" vēlas būt kādā "MĒS".]...
[ one of the most basic human needs is to be part of a larger community. Each of the "I" wants to be in a "WE". ]
And he is right, we are programmed to do so, 
But this time I want to drag Your attention to the funny side of mass thinking/alike thinking .

You know how the listings in Google go right? the more Clicks, the more people like it and believe it as it is .

As I love to use .gif in my Blogs I use a lot of keywords and noticed one thing- about 70% of the .gif are not what it should be, but if they are listed as the first, that means there are people who do ''the mass thing'' (I should make a video dance/ song of this :D) 
So, Let me show You 10 amusing samples where Mass thinking saved a wrong and made it a right :

10. The most useful gif ever 

Sweet Irony


9.Cosmic Power


Yes, indeed, so much power...

8.Seductive look

the Power is Strong with this one (Now I have to sleep with lights on)

7.Bad Play 

Wrong in so many ways
6. Hard Rock Dude 
Actually love This one

5. Worlds Neatest gif

Who had the imagination to make this?

4.Water Terror 

the terror has its sound-Plump....





Yeah I understand  the person, but to categoraze it as destructive? I imagined more like, bombings, an old greasy man with a bass guitar-chain saw thing. not KPOP in Cooper


1.Life is Good

As much as I love Adventure Time , But to hold it under this??? Yes well, my future is in safe hands, so positive
and there is a lot more.Funny, but it kinda also describes kinda our society, If I would be a psychologist  I would probably write books about the hidden meanings of this. But. I Am actually too lazy and it is also a bit Funny, So thank You for looking at it and have  great time ....

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Hungry Shark Evolution game review- Let's Feed the Fishy

WOW!Hey !
Yeah,I am also one of those who Love to play games, and to be Honest- On a Tablet You can do it quite nicely.
So when I play a game I pay attention to:
  • The Graphics
  • Controls
  • Play
  • Free play Options
  • Plot/Story 
and How fast You get Bored of it .

So I would like to Tell You about
Hungry Shark Evolution and give a game review as it has been on my tablet for quiet some time

Hungry Shark Evolution 
Developed By Future games of London-
You can Get it here

So Let us start With the Details
  • Size-60M
  • Requires Android 4.0 and up 
  • Free features and game play
  • Has In-App Purchases (But also offers Free earnings-video)
  • Beautiful Graphics 
  • 2 Type controller- Tilt and Touch  
  • 5 Shark species to grow & upgrade(But To get the next Shark You have to pay game coins )
  • 3 extra Sharks - Ice, Robt and Electricity  
  • And more Look it up in this Link 
My Game Play
I got it when there were just some couple 'k  Downloads so I know this one for some time.

 The Graphics
As You can see, the Graphics are nice and smooth, as someone who pays much attention to such, I want to give credit for it. I loved all the small details, for all the creatures- crabs, fishes and so on, Plus the Background. Because of that it is not so Heavy on the eye while playing in long time. 
I tried Tilt,  did not work for me, as I put a lot of emotions to my game and I move from side to side while damaging everything around me, like- a cup of tea, plates, books, walls, Husbands face. 
So I changed to the Touch control that basically works like this- You put Your Finger on the screen and a virtual moving controller/circle will allow You to navigate Your shark. What Is nice is that the movements are smooth and natural, not so nice- when You are on a prey with a very Speedy Gonzales type Shark You miss a lot of prey and Die because of that .
It has a lot of adventures,45missions, Hidden objects, You can buy a lot of extras for Your shark to boost it Plus they look Stylish afterwards. I would Rate it as medium for Difficulty as some tasks take time and Practice to Finish. 
Free Play Options
If You like to mess around with app type games, You probably know that the majority is like - WOW SO AWESOME, and while playing You get stuck and it becomes UN-enjoyable unless You pay or Crack the game. A good marketing Strategy- Drug Dealers do the same - 1st ride free, more will be on Your Pocket. But FGOL Actually made it possible to make the game playable and free and gave a possibility to do also the "expensive" things, just You need to spend more time on getting them. But the most important ones are easy to achieve.

Plot Story
Well there is  no plot,just swim around the ocean and spread terror. But it has amusing comments while hunting,  same with some tasks, and also some of the actions of the characters are made with some nice dark humor- I am talking about the victims
And Yeah I badly want one
A game that is cool to play when You need to Brutally destroy some of your time
and have some little fun every now and then . With Beautiful graphics dual control options and enchanting real game experience. 
This is a Game I can definitely recommend to every one.


Tuesday, 13 May 2014

want to have a vertigo trip?

Hey, Hoi!
 I want to take You on a trip, a vertigo trip....
Don't confuse it with Vertigo, I am talking a bout this Vertigo....----->

----->A camera technique created by Alfred Hitchcock during his film Vertigo that involves tracking backwards while simultaneously zooming in, making the person or object in the centre of the image seem stationary while their surroundings change.

In simple, You get the illusion as if it is real (like a 3d but not so specific)
want to see it?
Why?- if you read what was above, you probably tried to keep you mind off something. and here, take my devilish time killing hand .

Get ready ....
Let's Go

This is from the actual movie that inspired this technique 
these ones are more to show what 2 lines can cause, You know this is not real, but because the 2 White lines your brain gets information of some kinda steadiness, but when You break it , You get an Illusion

   And actually why just Vertigo, let's surf some 3D?

And this is the end to the small relaxation.Liked it? have some requests? hit me  up and let's see what we can do!