Monday, 30 April 2012

ohh sweet things in life

Siku njema (in Swahili- Good day)!Yup, yup, there are some small thing in life what are so usual and common that we don't even realize them. Let's be humble for a moment and think of those small things what make us so happy.
For me I like things that are so common , that about 99% of people would love it and in the same time I just love weird things.
 Hmmm.... for example I just fall in love with my cup of coffee every morning, but what is so mysterious about my coffee- maybe that I love it extremely strong, bitter and black.....Nop! It's that that I love to mix it with cacao. Ooh sweet o' coffeao( sounds legit doesn’t? ) Oh and I just adore the moments of me being me in the bathroom...  3h for .... nothing, just relaxing, have some bubble bath, a face mask, sing like a dieing pigeon with a corn in its throat and dance like a sexy gal who has burning hair (yeah am so talented, once my neighbors even hit against the wall, I guess they loved my singing so much that they wanted some more.)
There are a lot of things and the list could just go so far that it could reach to the next Galaxy go around it and come back to me,  but I at least realize those small sweet thing in life. And I assume we all should come down from our high Ross and just think!
What about You, can You call at least 10 things what make your day? Can you conceive of living without the '' drop of air''?aha and I still love them

Sunday, 29 April 2012

for changes

I have to admit - some times I would like to quit .
I have to admit - some times I would like to lose it.
But no I can't do it
For the sake of the heart that beats within me
For Your eyes that can't see
the way a soul needs to bloom
with ways You will never assume.
I have to admit - I would like to hate.
I have to admit - I don't know how to translate.
But I promise that I wont brake
even it may seem I'm standing on a edge.
I've done bad, I've done things that would guarantee a ticket to hell for that
But for my mistakes have opened my eyes
And for my soul sakes
I have to pay for that.
So I will keep struggling
Because I know, the Promised land has even a spot for me .
I have to admit - I live with decoys
But I have to confess - what doesn’t surrender You can't destroy .

It's been a long time, for my changes to come

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Talking like a baby('Let's talk baby', de Publicis Conseil para Guigoz)

Labdien! (Latvian for Good day ) let's be serious how many of us do the baby talk and thought of if the baby understands us or is just making fun of us?
Mom always said that "baby talk" kinda spoils a kiddos thinking of how to start speaking (yup have to agree with that, I remember when I was in kindergarten I 1.had no idea that pee-pee and thins like that are actual words) 2. It annoyed me seriously , and does it now too. But yeah sometimes its so tempting to say gugu-gaga (sounds like the lyrics of Lady Gaga :D) to my lil-one. And when I do it I  always imagine he replays me something like this : "Mom, thanks for the effort , but am not retarded or a tiny dogy, SPEAK Normal!
(thanks- your son)". And today I found out I am not the only one who imagines that:)

Monday, 23 April 2012

Can you conceive of........

   Well in these modern days we become so interested in what media is telling us. Can you conceive yourself of forbidding yourself the small joys of life , just because the media said so? No? hmm .... than there are two possibilities 1.(and that amazing because even  I don’t want to admit but I also don’t belong to them) You don’t care of what the media says or what the people around You are saying, and no one can have an influence on You. OR (wild drum sound appears ) 2. You are the one who lies to him/her self and the people around and let the mainstream take you along.
  If you are the No.1 type person than this time I can tell you- close this blog, so that you don’t spoil your mood with this. No.2 type people- Welcome to the "Facts of the fictional perfection "!
I think the No.1 lie of the medias what keeps us up (and soon it will also affect men) is the perfect body and looks. Ladies will agree, if you have something more on your ribs or your breast doesn’t fit in to the "Bold and Beautiful" scene or hair, style, jeans, make- up, life- style and so on doesn’t seems to be perfect makes us think we don’t belong to the beautiful . Our house , pets , lovers are not like the media shows us. And we keep getting more and more unhappy . But you know what ? !- Screw them! Seriously all the new trends come up from people like us ,just the difference is that they kept on what they believed, loved, admired, inspired . And to be sincere- confidence has a hole lot of power. (Don't believe? well find something about you what you love and bring it up with high confidence, believe it or not, people will start admiring it too) . Oh and stop following the stars they are also just humans like we, just that media and their confidence can make wonders .
    Can you conceive yourself of being beautiful, stylish, awesome , trendy , impressive? If no, than sorry for you, because I have the believe we all are something wonderful. There is no other You or me and that’s what could make us like stars, just the question is- will you allow yourself to shine and become somebody evolutionary? or you will become a shooting star- nice but dead?
Do something crazy, do something what is so not you, be free, you live once and start thinking if you can conceive of...(free space for your imagination )