Monday, 30 April 2012

ohh sweet things in life

Siku njema (in Swahili- Good day)!Yup, yup, there are some small thing in life what are so usual and common that we don't even realize them. Let's be humble for a moment and think of those small things what make us so happy.
For me I like things that are so common , that about 99% of people would love it and in the same time I just love weird things.
 Hmmm.... for example I just fall in love with my cup of coffee every morning, but what is so mysterious about my coffee- maybe that I love it extremely strong, bitter and black.....Nop! It's that that I love to mix it with cacao. Ooh sweet o' coffeao( sounds legit doesn’t? ) Oh and I just adore the moments of me being me in the bathroom...  3h for .... nothing, just relaxing, have some bubble bath, a face mask, sing like a dieing pigeon with a corn in its throat and dance like a sexy gal who has burning hair (yeah am so talented, once my neighbors even hit against the wall, I guess they loved my singing so much that they wanted some more.)
There are a lot of things and the list could just go so far that it could reach to the next Galaxy go around it and come back to me,  but I at least realize those small sweet thing in life. And I assume we all should come down from our high Ross and just think!
What about You, can You call at least 10 things what make your day? Can you conceive of living without the '' drop of air''?aha and I still love them

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