Friday, 22 November 2013

21.11.2013 piemiņai

The date of the 21th of November, a black, painful, tragic, full of horror, a day where we remember that life is a gift and we have to make sure that our , that of others have to be cherished. 

There are moment where we can not find the words, 
there are moments where we can not have the strength.
there are moments we have to take as they are.
Those moments, those painful and terrific moments
We have to be strong to live them trough
The ways of God and Devil, we can not prognose
The ways of life can not change
We just have to take them,
We have to find the strength 
We have to be united
We have to be... The strength for others.
As a day so black and night so cold
We have to remember those who met God 
Even as They met God too early
But now it is how it is meant to be 
Now God Will take care of the souls
Now we will take care of those who have lost.

Par piemiņu tam , ka mēs nezinām kas var notikt
Par piemiņu, kas var notikt tik strauji un pēkšņi
PAr piemiņu tiem , kas aizgāja
Par piemiņu tiem , kas palika.
Laiks dziedēs brūces, bet neizdzēsīs atmiņas
Mēs atstājamies mirkļos, ko nezinām
Un lūdzam par to, ko nespējam saprast
To ko nespējam pieņemt
Nesakiet , ka zināt kā tas ir, Nesakiet , ka viss būs labāk
Kā var būt labāk, ja zaudzēts, tas , kas bij tik mīļš?
Dieva ceļi nedibināmi, Velna roka neapstādināma
Mūsu spēkos vien aizlūgt , lai radu veļi viņus pavada un mūsu atmiņas viņus mierina
Kaut neesmu skarta no traģiskās nakts
Es aizdedzu sveci un klusumā aizlūdzu
Kaut zinu mainīt to nespēšu, ko liktenis izvērpa, 
Bet vēlos, lai tautieši zina
Jūs neesat vieni un mēs par Jums un Jūsu likteni aizlūdzam.
Lai sāpes tik neciešamas spētu vieglāk pārvarēt

Es vēlos izteikt pateicību arī mūsu mediķiem, ugunsdzēsējiem, militaristiem, policijai, par viņu darbu, mirkļos kā šos viņi dara visu iespējamo, pašaizliedzīgi cīnoties par citiem, Ar klusuma mirkli un sveces liesmu aizlūdzam par visiem , kas skarti šajā traģētijā.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

being honest ?

Well as I said , I feel kinda "writy" lately, so here is another bomb....
You know when I wrote- can You conceive of being honest, i did not mean to be honest like: Don't Lie or You will be punished with little fluffy kitties,
I meant- can You be honest like a child- that impulsive, honesty, what is more pure as an human untouched river.
Remember, when You grew up, you also probably had a dream of what You wanted to become, do, be, see , eat or God knows what else....
Don't lie to Yourself....Let me be Honest to You Guys my biggest dreams where:
1) Become a Cosmonaut (a was born on the 12th of April, people from ex-Soviet countries will know what this date is)
2) I wanted to join the Air force
3) I wanted to Join the Army
4) Become a Pilot
5) Be a person who inspires others
6) Be happy in a very simple way
7) Be a writer
Deamn , this list is quite long, but I still have that innocent feeling of , me needing to achieve them.
I still want to be a Pilot, that is why i have a small secret "Piggy bank ", I want to Fly a Huge Boeing (fun Fact I am extremely afraid of driving a car ) and yess I still want to be a cosmonaut, hmmm but how to achieva a dream as this.......... Oh yes I know, I will just wait till Michael becomes bigger, we will make our own rocket and go tho the outer-space, we will dress up the stuffed animals as Aliens, and the Party will begin
Air Force and Army, still possible That I will Join them sooner or later :)
A person who inspires others|? As i am just 22 I will work on It, Is still have the good Faith in Humanity:)
Happy in a simple way|?????
Yes that is easy, I do things what I like, I enjoy and pay attention to what I love, and I just try to be me :) As simple and banal it is.
Why do I write this? Easy- You can start thinking about Your self as a private person or, You can turn this table around for Business. don't believe me, then let me show You my dreams, from a Business view:
1) Become a Cosmonaut (a was born on the 12th of April, people from ex-Soviet countries will know what this date is) (As I love to draw, and write and have very interesting gift of Talking I can sell my made things in the form of it. I just have to use some imagination)
2) I wanted to join the Air force (what would You say if I use this as a name for a companies that specializes in anti Bird devices for Airplanes|?)
3) I wanted to Join the Army (an Army I have one my Team at CCO and Admission Direct!)
4) Become a Pilot (I an C.C Armah Lounched Admission and CCO and are still navigating it the big sky of Business)
5) Be a person who inspires others ... Just be you and don't forget about people around you!
6) Be happy in a very simple way- I love my work and the things I am doing and I am still looking people who will join my "Air force" Team
7) Be a writer... If that what I am now doing in not writing, I don't know what it is
Can You conceive of being honest?... Just look from a different perspective at your own dreams and wishes

Monday, 11 November 2013

Outside the box-BOX?

So, I read not long ago about that,that if You want some fresh Ideas bring in some Hipsters.
Well- Quite correct.- People who believe in alternative living, have a different view  to every thing.
But how much will You let them be alternative, Fresh, New-age, Funky?
You may think, Yes, I allow my workers to do their Job as they  want to , they can live a free spirit with me, but is it really like that?
when I do my teaching on How to create a Lead, then I do some simple training, but I tell them, they have to come up with they own Ideas, no matter how crazy it may seem. If they don't want to I actually force them to be open Minded, because if I need some mini-me, I would just take every one who comes and train, all with the same way, and make a standard Lead Generation...Do You do the same, or Do You want them to follow what You teach?
But you know, I don't want that and I don't wont to create zombies. I need people. there fore everything with me is very outside the box.
Call me crazy, because I will turn everything upside down, just because I don't want to be like every one else, I may get hit hard, but I will also learn in that way . And actually the hard way makes me feel better. Thinking outside the box allows You to be natural and learn faster, and that Is what I teach my people too.
If You make boundaries Your agent, co-worker, employee with time will feel sad, depressed and bored, the effectiveness of what you do will reduce, and even You may not feel it , that what you want to achieve will die.
A Latvian Poet said once- "Only the one who will change will exist!" and that is true. There fore be crazy be open, be passionate but with a good reasoning, and that what You will do will go from hand...
Break outside the box!

Friday, 1 November 2013


Bonne Journée!
Lately I started working on my Blog as a Person who has a small business, with Big Ideas and High standards.In the 90-ties Outsourcing became extremely Popular and now the market of Outsourcing Companies is overfilled. but Why do a Company choose to outsource? and why Should it?
To Be honest then the answer is more then easy.
Telemarketing Companies profit of projects where -

  1. They need to get in touch with a high amount of clients
  2. They have a Project what is not planed to be a "Long Time" project
  3. They want to test a new Business solution.
these are the most popular reasons, but still why?
Lets start with the most popular Reasons:

  • If You have a new Idea, but you don't know how it will work out, it is cheaper and more easy to Outsource the project.

Cheaper? Yes, Cheaper. the Cost of finding a candidate for a short time stuff, training it, and educating him/her is been reduced by 95% if You choose to outsource.
But that is mostly the only aspect what people see, Outsourcing is also cheaper because, You don't have to think of where to make the work space of your new stuff, how much it will take to build up the whole system, what to do if Your new stuff decides "It is not for me" and leaves, a Company that outsources does not have to think about it. because that is the Main Reason of Outsourcing.

 But as I mentioned it -the market of Outsourcing Companies is overfilled. How do I know it will be the right one?
(at this point I want to mention it that B2B and BPO is my passion and I love to do it from my heart so I don't want to make a replica to my own Company)
- But Yeah, the Right one , how to know it?- Easy!- call them, check them out, If You really love Your Business, a Good Outsourcing Company wont take You, the Potential Client , as a peace of meet in a BBQ.  If the company is a Fanatic of what they do, they will ask you right away a bunch of questions, to make sure of what are your goals, they will try to meet You to see the real situation. they wont be afraid to introduce you with the person who will do the call. what may get scary- a good Outsourcer will try to stay in the shadow. What does that mean? that means, the Outsourcer wont put its own interests and rules above yours, They should be open To your Ideas. Because an Outsourcing Company that works in B2B wants Your Business, to get the best out of the Project for You, not for them self.
What is Important a Good Outsourcing Company wont tell bad about their Competitors. Actually They may even advice You (If They feel that they cant take over Your Project) another Company that would be better for You (and this actually shows a good Business Leader).
So If You Have a small , medium or big Company , You should never be afraid to check out some Outsourcing Companies. They may come very handy for You!