Monday, 11 November 2013

Outside the box-BOX?

So, I read not long ago about that,that if You want some fresh Ideas bring in some Hipsters.
Well- Quite correct.- People who believe in alternative living, have a different view  to every thing.
But how much will You let them be alternative, Fresh, New-age, Funky?
You may think, Yes, I allow my workers to do their Job as they  want to , they can live a free spirit with me, but is it really like that?
when I do my teaching on How to create a Lead, then I do some simple training, but I tell them, they have to come up with they own Ideas, no matter how crazy it may seem. If they don't want to I actually force them to be open Minded, because if I need some mini-me, I would just take every one who comes and train, all with the same way, and make a standard Lead Generation...Do You do the same, or Do You want them to follow what You teach?
But you know, I don't want that and I don't wont to create zombies. I need people. there fore everything with me is very outside the box.
Call me crazy, because I will turn everything upside down, just because I don't want to be like every one else, I may get hit hard, but I will also learn in that way . And actually the hard way makes me feel better. Thinking outside the box allows You to be natural and learn faster, and that Is what I teach my people too.
If You make boundaries Your agent, co-worker, employee with time will feel sad, depressed and bored, the effectiveness of what you do will reduce, and even You may not feel it , that what you want to achieve will die.
A Latvian Poet said once- "Only the one who will change will exist!" and that is true. There fore be crazy be open, be passionate but with a good reasoning, and that what You will do will go from hand...
Break outside the box!

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